关于退件提示:托运人必须提交海关通关所需的信息都是真实的、正确的、完整的文件,因而产生的海关罚款、储存费用、退运费用或其他费用以及相应的附加费和税款均由收件人承担,托运人还应当对收件人未付上述费用承担责任,包括但不限于例行海关通关的代理服务费以及复杂通关程序所需要的额外费用、弃件费用等等; 我司于2001年在天津取得代理报关资格并在天津航运中心设立报关行。 公司拥有资深报关员、报检员多名,EDI录入系统.在长期海关业务开展中,以良好的表现受到海关的赞誉,同时以不断进取的服务理念,长期稳定有效的服务,得到广大客户的信任。
We have many experienced customs declarants and inspectors, EDI operating system. In the long term Customs Clearance Business, our company is heaped praise upon by the customs for our good behaviors, meanwhile, we are trusted by all of our customers through our continuous aggressive service concept and the effecitive long term stable services.
We have many experienced customs declarants and inspectors, EDI operating system. In the long term Customs Clearance Business, our company is heaped praise upon by the customs for our good behaviors, meanwhile, we are trusted by all of our customers through our continuous aggressive service concept and the effecitive long term stable services.
2015-7-7 08:30发布:admin | 分类:代买海运保险 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
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