我们的服务宗旨是“诚信为本、客户至上、运价合理、安全快捷”。在此服务理念下,与我们保持正在合作的客户有:华南橡胶轮胎厂,台湾万泰集团,佛山新中源,信泰集团,金宝电子,万盟医疗,华联通船务,鸿安船务、彩联物流等。我们的经营理念:依托自己的优势,根据本行业特点,力求从最微小的细节的做起努力提高客户的满意度,在行业中真正做到服务专业化,在服务标准上为同行的参照物。我们的承诺:优惠的价格,准时的服务与满意的服务,最后愿我司与贵司共同发展,共创双赢之路! 业务范围如下:
● 陆路运输:提供集装箱运输,吨车散货入仓、以及13.5米高护栏,平板车等中长途运输。我司拥有近400部运输车辆,包括吨车,集装箱车,平板车,轴线车,冷藏车,气垫车,推拉板,司机驾驶技术及服务好,能为货主提供优质的陆运服务。
several well-known enterprise cooperation, and established their own international and domestic express network, while many with international counterparts to establish a good working relationship. Its associated agencies all over Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other regions. Companies at home and abroad customers booking, customs declaration, inspection, transportation, warehousing "one-stop" services, our site provides freight and express mail tracking and tracing, through our advanced information management system, customers can control the flow of goods each a part of the state information, thus ensuring the transportation of goods to customers transparency.
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