a Class-A freight forwarder with license approved by the Ministry of Commerce of PRC, with the registered capital of RMB5,000,000 and have the qualification of Shipping Agency. Our business scope covering FCL, LCL and Airway Cargo both for Import and Export. We can provide you timly and reliable services in Qingdao and any other port of China, including booking, chartering, Customs clearance, inspection, storage, insurance, inland trucking and so on.国外进口货物,从港口先转入西海岸出口加工区内的物流仓库,进行保税仓储,待国内收货人实际需要货物时,再缴纳进口关税,办理进口通关手续,配送至最终收货人。

优 势:
☆ 可暂缓缴纳进口关税,从而减轻国内买方的资金压力;
☆ 通过仓储整合实现集中运输、共同配送,降低物流费用;
☆ 可大大缩短给国内客户的供货周期,提高客户满意度。
☆ 可以利用国内仓储费较低的优势,降低仓储成本;
☆ 货物进口通关前可在国际市场自由流通。

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