million RMB, engaged in professional international freight, shipping agent and international supply chain management. Hohang International (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd. is a professional company of agency KangHong international group (China) Co., LTD in guangzhou region holding professional logistics company, is China's logistics and procurement federation directors. The world each port cities have a branch in shenzhen, and agency service, xiamen, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Qingdao has institutions, a huge collaborative network effectively guarantee the company cost of operation, high efficiency of global service more able to replace each customer do the most economic to door service, and also to provide complete the whole logistics services, including logistics, overall planning and consultation, logistics distribution center overall planning and operation management, material and finish goods storage, distribution, storage and transportation, freight forwarding, international customs declaration and logistics management information system design and construct a logistics solutions to create a high-quality service, guaranteed that the quality of the service. Solid professional knowledge and rich experience, widespread contact logistics and global network that we can operate all kinds of goods and meet your various logistics requirements, we will provide you with the most convenient "one-stop" services. 国际快递业务也与 DHL,UPS,FEDEX,TNT,EMS有紧密的合作。公司物流网 络覆盖全球。承揽国际速递、空运;多式联运进出口的国际货运代理;并且开通了
孟加拉 马来西亚 新加坡 这三个国家的海运双清拼箱线路。能为客户提供:货运、仓储、
报关、商检等一系列完善的一站式物流服务。专业的服务队伍, 更和大量国内外代理建立了长期友好的关系。我们重视国际物流服务的质量,珍惜与您的每一次合作。为能给顾客提供优质的国际物流服务,我司高薪聘请经验丰富的专操作人员、公司人员经验人均3年以上。严格制落实到了工作的每一个环节, 与确保货物安全。 ...