公司多年來邀請了在國內出口清關,速遞服務等領域都具有豐富經驗的專業人士加盟我司或來我司指導物流流程工作.公司服務團隊有著清楚的視野和定位,多年來不斷地協助客戶尋找新的商機。公司職員多來自泰國多所高校的泰語專業或國際貿易專業的留學生,為了不斷的提高員工的工作能力,管理團隊對各崗位員工定期的加以考核,以此確保員工的服務品質與效率. 企業理念:服務至誠,快字當家。approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (former Ministry of Economics and Trade of the People's Republic of China). In early 2002, the company gained the first batch of qualification of Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC0005) in China. The shareholders are Sinotrans Beijing company, Mitsui. O.S.K Line Group (MOL), Seiri Tsusho Corporation and Shanghai International holding Co.,Ltd.
公司多年來邀請了在國內出口清關,速遞服務等領域都具有豐富經驗的專業人士加盟我司或來我司指導物流流程工作.公司服務團隊有著清楚的視野和定位,多年來不斷地協助客戶尋找新的商機。公司職員多來自泰國多所高校的泰語專業或國際貿易專業的留學生,為了不斷的提高員工的工作能力,管理團隊對各崗位員工定期的加以考核,以此確保員工的服務品質與效率. 企業理念:服務至誠,快字當家。approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (former Ministry of Economics and Trade of the People's Republic of China). In early 2002, the company gained the first batch of qualification of Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC0005) in China. The shareholders are Sinotrans Beijing company, Mitsui. O.S.K Line Group (MOL), Seiri Tsusho Corporation and Shanghai International holding Co.,Ltd.